Activism, Middle East, Multimedia, Side Feature, Video

Minbar Ummah: Protest in Deir Hassan, “Block the Road of Negotiations & Open the Fronts”

A protest began after Jumaa’ prayer in Deir Hassan against the opening of the fronts with the criminal regime entitled, “Block the Road of Negotiations & Open the Fronts!”

Friday, 11 Rabi’ Al-awwal 1444 AH – 07 October 2022 CE

Disclaimer: Ummah’s Minbar is a designated channel that airs selected Khilafah (Caliphate) recordings prepared by the people of our Ummah. The recordings are not issued by Hizb ut Tahrir or any of its official sections; rather they are recordings from the people of our Islamic Ummah; which are published on to publish the goodness for Islam and Muslims.