Activism, Middle East, Side Feature

Minbar Ummah Atma Demonstration: “Daraa has proven the weakness of the regime and the betrayal of the faction leaders!”

A demonstration in the gathering of the western Atma camps in Idlib countryside, Syria in support of our people in Daraa entitled “Daraa has proven the weakness of the regime and the betrayal of the faction leaders!”

Friday, 27 Dhul Hijjah 1442 AH – 06 August 2021 CE

– Speech during Demonstration gathering the western Atma camps –

Minbar Ummah: Disclaimer: Ummah’s Minbar is a designated channel that airs selected Khilafah (Caliphate) recordings prepared by the people of our Ummah. The recordings are not issued by Hizb ut Tahrir or any of its official sections; rather they are recordings from the people of our Islamic Ummah; which are published on our site to publish the goodness for Islam and Muslims.