Analysis, Middle East, Side Feature

Is there a Mu’tasim to Win the Pleasure of the Lord of the Worlds?

The Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced in a televised interview on 29/5/2015 that his country has agreed with Saudi Arabia and Qatar on the need to establish a buffer zone in Syria to support the Syrian opposition.

It is said in the proverb “Better late than never,” where Erdogan had warned the Butcher of Damascus on May 2011 of the consequences of repeating the Hama massacre which became a historic landmark of the criminality of the late Hafez Al-Assad. So is this good news to our people in the aggrieved Ash-Sham that now they can sleep contently and be safe from the treachery of Bashar and his gangsters (Shabeeha)? And that the new Sultan of Ankara has decided after four years from his famous warning to Bashar, to move in response to the distress calls of the bereaved, widows, and orphans who lost their husbands, fathers and children at the hands of the gangs of the tyrant of Damascus?

But when we finish reading the news story mentioned above, we find that Erdogan has explained, “that Ankara did not reach an agreement with Washington so far on the establishment of a no-fly zone and buffer zone.” So he merely agreed with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but it does not end here, the Sultan of Ankara who upholds the banner of “neo-Ottomans” is still waiting for the approval of his master in the Black House in Washington, who previously stated repeatedly that he does not intend to implement a ban on war planes in the Syrian North!!! In other words, that our people’s joy in the blessed Ash-Sham will not be complete with Erdogan the Humayun and that they still have to wait until the ruler of the Black House to confer Erdogan’s appeal, while he was the same one who gave his blessings for the massacres by Sisi in the squares of Egypt!!!

Because the Butcher of Damascus is reassured that he is covered by America, he perpetrated the largest massacres in the current year in the Shi’ar neighborhood in Aleppo and in Al-Hal market in the city of Al-Bab by throwing explosive barrels that led to the deaths of tens of martyrs and wounded tens.

As for the rulers of Saudi Arabia, they are busy with the “holy war” in Yemen, not to support the Deen of Allah سبحانه وتعالى, but to implement the schemes of the enemies of Allah! As for the victims of Ash-Sham, they have to wait for the approval of the ruler of the Black House! And he is the source of the turmoil and disease … Where is the righteous Khaleefah Al-Mu’tasim Billah who will answer their cries after the rulers in the Muslim world today have rejected them, whose hearts are blocked, and ears are deaf:

Lord, “Wa Mu’tasima”, cried the young orphaned girls

It reached their ears but it did not stir in them the Chivalry of Al-Mu’tasim

O Allah, Prepare for the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ a righteous matter that delivers the glory to the people of obedience and humiliates the people of disobedience. O Allah hasten for the Muslims an allegiance to a Khaleefah who will safeguard their honour, stop the spillage of their blood, protects their wealth and defends them from the criminal transgressors. And the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is truthful when he said,

«وإنما الإمام جنة يقاتل من ورائه ويتقى به»

“The Imam is but a shield behind him is fought and protected.” (Narrated by Muslim).

O Ummah of Islam join the workers working to establish the rightly guided Khilafah on the method of Prophethood and you will win the glory of the two abodes and a greater pleasure from Allah.

Osman Bakhach

Director of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir

Tuesday, 15th Sha’ban 1436 AH

02/06/2015 CE

Issue No: 1436 AH /049