Middle East

Syria Awareness campaign: The protection of a murderous Tyrant by the international community. The only red line for the West is Islam!

• Between 100,000 and 300,000 of the Syrian people have been massacred by the Syrian criminal regime of Bashar Al-Asad. Cities, towns and Villages have been completely destroyed and half the country’s population have been expelled from their homes. Tens of thousands have been victims of the most gruesome forms of torture and rape. The women, children and elderly have not been spared from any of this punishment.

• For over two and a half years the Western nations have condemned this barbarity whilst at the same time providing the regime with one period of time after another to continue in his butchery and allowing him to be supplied with all the weaponry he needs to fulfil his devastation whether this has come from Russia, Iran or its party in Lebanon (Hezbollah).

• The reason for all of this is that the real red line of the US, the West and the Muslim agent rulers is the fact that the people in Syria have declared that their revolution is purely for Allah and have expressed their firm commitment towards establishing an Islamic State and ridding their land from being subservient to the West.

• Some Muslim rulers have sent words to Bashar of warning, others have remained silent and some have shown support to him. However all of them have not lifted a finger to help the Muslims in Syria despite having the capability to bring down this regime and save the lives of the Muslims.

• They have shown that they are nothing but agents to the West and America and so when America announces its intention to intervene militarily we see some of them saying that they will join them, others say they will assist whilst others still say that they will fund the entire western operation! The Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Countries along with some so-called Ulamaa of these agents states all rush to show support to the US military plans whilst remaining silent for over two years watching the slaughter of the Ummah whose only crime is to say: ‘Allah is my Lord’ and ‘Bashar is a Tyrant’!

• The latest US western and Russian backed plan is to provide more time for the regime to continue in its barbarity against the true revolutionaries of Syria whilst America works with its agents including the manufactured opposition that it has extracted from exiles in Western capitals, the Muslim rulers and the Syrian regime to maintain the regime albeit with some cosmetic changes.

• The Syrian regime has been loyal to US policy for the last 40 years, it has protected the Israeli occupation, it has fought against Islaam and Syria has been a preferred place for the US to send its prisoners for torture.

• The US and Russia have already agreed in preparation to their planned Geneva 2 conference that the regime in Syria has to remain in place including most importantly the army, police, intelligence and security apparatus i.e. all those responsible for death, murder and destruction.

• The planned Geneva 2 conference is about negotiations between the regime and the US manufactured outside opposition which will agree to some changes in faces and promises of elections whilst maintaining exactly the same regime. This is similar to the changes that the West manipulated in both Tunisia and Egypt through its agents.

• The only obstacle to this plan are the very people in Syria themselves as they will never accept anything but the downfall of the regime in its entirety and the establishment of a new independent regime based on the Islamic belief and is free from all western interferences.

• The western media and news will continue to provide misinformation about what is happening in Syria to confuse the people about the facts and to guide the people towards a secular solution and not Islamic one. They will try and paint the revolutionaries as extremists and terrorists and they will inject ideas of sectarian struggle and Sunni and Shi’ah divisions. This is the same game that they have been playing with us for many years across many lands and it is vital for us to see and expose their lies.

• O Muslims! The struggle is Syria is no more than a struggle against an oppressed people and their oppressor. It is no more than a struggle between a western secular imposed solution and the Islamic solution of re-establishing the Islamic Khilafah that will free the lands from western interference and domination!

هَٰذَا بَلَاغٌ لِلنَّاسِ وَلِيُنْذَرُوا بِهِ وَلِيَعْلَمُوا أَنَّمَا هُوَ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ وَلِيَذَّكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ

“This [Qur’an] is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they may be warned by it and so that they will know that He is One God and so that people of intelligence will pay heed.”

(Ibrahim, 14:52)

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