
1st September – A Black Day for Muslim Women in Russia


On 2 September, the media of the Republic of Mordovia again reported that the legislative consolidation of ban on religious symbols was protested by some Muslims of the republic. The discussion of this sharp problem by the parties yielded no results. The Mufti of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Mordovia Fagim Hazrat Shafiev went to the republican prosecutor’s office. Now the question of the legality of hijab ban in Mordovian schools is studied by the prosecutor’s office workers.


The beginning of school session again exposes the open wounds of Russian Muslims. Since the law of school uniform was passed, September 1st became the black day of the calendar for seeking Allah’s سبحانه وتعالى satisfaction school girls, the day that puts the question point-blank: hijab or studying. But this is not a problem of school girls, it is a problem of the all Islamic Ummah, but above all the unity of Muslims in Russia. How many religious organizations there are, how many mufti organizations there are, how many roundtables and overseas trips they hold – all these will be in vain if they turn a blind eye to an open struggle, aimed at the most vulnerable of the number of believers: firstly they are Muslim girls, secondly they are children.

An appeal to the courts and the prosecutor’s authority is likely to repeat the story of the summer of 2013 when the Supreme Court of Russia dismissed the Stavropol region inhabitants’ appeals in which they asked to recognize that legal act to be illegal and invalid. The court agreed with the government’s resolution in which they banned the girls from Muslim families to come to school in religious headscarves. This is a political decision, and the requirements must be submitted to the political leadership, the more that the judiciary is completely dependent on it. Commenting on the case, a spokesman of the Stavropol region’s governor said that “he is satisfied with the decision of the court”. He again noted that school uniform is to eliminate social and religious differences between students. Therefore, Muslims need to realize that they will not find any protection, except in unity, and find a fair solution, except in their religion.

The reason for this attitude towards Muslims – a struggle with Islam at the state level. Authorities want to stop the spread of Islamic culture across the territory of Russia. Resigned to presence of Islam in Muslim republics, they try to stop its spread in neighboring regions. And only in the case of Islamic Ummah’s unity a “resolution of Mordovia Government about the ban of headwear at schools” and other bans will be swept aside on the path of Islamic values’ protection. And then the enemy of Islam will finally see the hidden power in it, pushing its followers to be steadfast and patient like the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and his companions.

Almighty Allah said:

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ

“The believers are but brothers”

(Hujuraat, 49:10)

Written for the Central Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir by

Suleyman Ibragimov