
Afghanistan: The new and old cabinets are two sides of the same coin

On 19th Dec, 2009 a new cabinet was announced by president Karzai. The so-called new cabinet of Karzai has been involved in severe wrongdoing, poor performance, and corrupt practices. They are the same people who already looted the resources of the nation and filled their pockets and bank accounts in the last eight years.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Media Office in  Afghanistan

Press Release

No. 1, 1431

Date: 14th Muharam 1431 / 31 Dec 09

The new and old cabinets are two sides of the same coin

On 19th Dec, 2009 a new cabinet was announced by president Karzai. The so-called new cabinet of Karzai has been involved in severe wrongdoing, poor performance, and corrupt practices. They are the same people who already looted the resources of the nation and filled their pockets and bank accounts in the last eight years.

By calling it a new cabinet and by re-nominating the failed cabinet back Karzai is again trying to betray his nation shamefully. But for his western masters it is “step in the right direction”.

The American officials and United Nations put out a public statement in response to the list, calling it “a government they can work with”. If so, then where have the claims of western colonialist governments gone, that they were against the corruption in Afghanistan? In fact these are the people who want a corrupt Afghanistan because they are only interested in achieving their own evil designs to be fulfilled at the expense of the blood of innocent Muslims. The colonialist West’s history of supporting brutal regimes in the Muslim world is an open secret. Their duplicity of calling for democracy yet supporting dictators in the Muslim world is a clear manifestation of their intentions for the Muslim Ummah.

For the Muslims of Afghanistan there is no hope that the new government will in effect eradicate corruption or bring about any significant changes. The so called new and old cabinets are almost two sides of the same coin. In fact they are the product of a system that always produces traitors and imposters that only know how to betray people and plunder their resources.