
The Negotiations of the Afghan government with the Mujahideen, is poison coated in sugar

The media has published reports on Karzai’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban and Hizb e Islami, especially Mullah Muhammad Omar, the supreme leader of Taliban, by orders of the west. This move is clearly showing how the west is avoiding itself from going to negotiate face to face.

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Afghanistan

Press Release

No. 101430

19th Dhul-hijja, 1430 / 06 Dec 2009

The Negotiations of the Afghan government with the Mujahideen, is poison coated in sugar

The media has published reports on Karzai’s plan to negotiate with the Taliban and Hizb e Islami, especially Mullah Muhammad Omar, the supreme leader of Taliban, by orders of the west. This move is clearly showing how the west is avoiding itself from going to negotiate face to face.

Here are the following points that the Ummah should know:

• The major players in these negotiations are the Saudi, UAE and Pakistani governments. Some assume that these governments are more closer and loyal to Islam than others, while, these countries are loyal to the west and their loyalty to the west is broader than to Islam, and this is evident to every analyst that Saudi and Pakistan will act in accordance with America’s will in this regard.

• The Taliban are great warriors and have gained control of a great area of Afghanistan, thus their strength in this regard has increased. However, they are afraid of the enemy’s political moves. They were the rulers of Afghanistan, relying on Pakistan in ruling the country and if they were asked about their dependence on the Pakistani governing system, while Pakistan has evident friendship with US, don’t you think that one day the US will attack you through Pakistan?

However, they never considered the relationship of Afghanistan with Pakistan besides its friendship with the US, harmful to themselves, rather they were using Pakistan for their interests. While after a short time it appeared that it was Pakistan’s rulers who announced their animosity to the Taliban by provision of its aerial and ground territories to US for eliminating them first in Afghanistan and then in Waziristan.

• America is facing a real defeat in Afghanistan. Having 70,000 American troops besides her crusading allies’ 40,000 troops, she cannot bring security to the country, and their defeats have increased at the end of 2009. Therefore, Obama announced the dispatching of 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, while its allies in NATO announced the dispatching of 7,000 more troops.

• Demanding more international troops for bringing security is fruitless and betraying demand and through this they will never be able to succeed as Afghanistan has always been the graveyard of Emperors.

• Participation of Taliban and Hizb e Islami in these negotiations is like walking in to the corridors of decline. Whatever is the title of these negotiations, meetings, normal gatherings, casual chats, etc… all of these are a way to negotiations and a drink of poison mixed with sugar.

Finally, we can say that America has planned to get rid of the problem it’s caught in Afghanistan, and rescue herself the same as she rescued herself from the same problem she was caught in Iraq after being defeated repeatedly and having numerous losses. In addition, congress is no more discussing the continuation of its mission in Afghanistan, rather due to having numerous losses and defeats in Afghanistan, it is caught in hopelessness and depression about their presence in the country. However, at the same time, it is trying to create a puppet regime in the country, which guarantees American interests in the region and takes responsibility for the security.

In addition, she has made the governments of Saudi, UAE and Pakistan as tools for negotiations, so to give the Taliban and Hizb e Islami sugar mixed with poison. The participation of the Taliban and Hizb e Islami, in these negotiations either directly with the US or with its agents is meant for encouraging the gradual participation of the Taliban in the American ally Afghan government, be it directly or indirectly.