
Indonesia’s Red Carpet treatment for Colonialist Hillary Clinton

Something is not right in this picture. Indonesian state officials are excited to welcome new US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her visit to Indonesia on February 18-19, 2009. Hatta Rajasa, Indonesian State Secretariat Minister said in his office Jalan Veteran on Thursday (May 2 2008) that Indonesia is under the radar of major countries. Hatta cannot hide his excitement and said, “Apparently, we cannot be ignored.”

Don’t we know that the US is an unapologetic colonialist with all its means and attributes? The US has occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, killed hundreds of thousands of people, and managed to control our country too? Many observers and intellectuals have described that our country has not been free and is under the occupation of global capitalism led by the US. One then wonders what the excitement is all about. Why do our officials choose to ignore these clear facts?

True, Indonesia is clearly of strategic importance to the US foreign policy. The Islam Factor of Indonesia cannot be taken lightly since it commands the largest Muslim population outside the Middle East. In addition to its rich natural resources, Indonesia is also the fourth most populous country after China, India, and the US. During a press conference in Washington, US State Department spokesman Robert Wood said, “Indonesia is an important country for the US, and Secretary Clinton wants to strike a better relationship and to do it sooner. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world.”

True, Indonesia is the largest Muslim country, but this fact cannot be the only reason for the visit of a newly appointed American secretary of state. Historically, the Middle East has been a top destination for a new secretary to visit. However, this is not the case at this time. Therefore, this unusual change of tradition must be scrutinized very closely.

Rich with energy resources, the presence of Israel, and the epicentre of Islam make the Middle East a favourite site for a new US secretary. Furthermore, the Middle East is largely a collection of US client-states as a result of successful removal of British and French influence in the region. After invading Iraq in 2003, the US has removed British influence and controlled the region without any significant challenges. On the other hand, the Far East region represented by Indonesia and Malaysia has seen a rise of Islamic activism and heightened awareness amongst the Muslim population demanding the re-instalment of Shariah as shown in recent surveys. As far as the US is concerned, popular Islamic activism may pose a threat to American sacred rhetoric, values and institutions such as Democracy, Human Rights, Pluralism, Freedom, and Gender Equality. Perchance, the rising tide of Islamic values may undermine American efforts to export its norms and values and lead to an end of American domination in our lands once and for all.

During a senate confirmation hearing by the Committee of Foreign Affairs (January 13, 2009), Clinton stated clearly that she will “renew American leadership by way of diplomacy to increase our security, to promote our interests and values.” Therefore, the primary reason for her visit is to reinvigorate American leadership in the world.

It has not been easy to be American these days when the US has been painted with a negative image in the eyes of the Muslim world and also the Western states. Meanwhile, the US has also faced a deepening economic recession. In an economic sense, Indonesia is potentially a huge market for a range of US commodities and also a source of energy and raw materials for American industries. This is why Clinton also said that Indonesia has an important role to solve today’s major economic crisis.

Other factors that need to be examined is the timing of the visit that precedes the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. Part of the agenda during the visit is to meet a number of politicians and opinion leaders. Obviously, the visit also seeks to secure American interests after the election.

The critical question to ask is what does the biggest Muslim country get out of this? Nothing. There is nothing except lip service and short-lived rhetoric. A colonialist state like the US will not change its course, even under Obama except for a renewed approach and management. To maintain its American hegemony and leadership, Obama has declared ‘diplomacy and mutual relations’ instead of ‘invasion’ and ‘soft-power’ over ‘military power’. As far as the substantive aim is concerned, it is business as usual.

Since Indonesia remains under US control, Indonesia will be used as proxy to market Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, and Pluralism to other Muslim nations as a model of Islamic compatibility with modern American values. Furthermore, under US directive Indonesia will be involved to push the US plan to finalize the Two-State solution (Israel and Palestine) that includes West Bank and Gaza Strip. In her statement on Wednesday 4th February, Clinton said, “…to work with all parties to create an independent Palestinian State that includes West Bank and Gaza Strip and to achieve lasting peace and security as demanded by the state of Israel.” Indonesia is supposed to take an active role in this process as mentioned in the meeting between Indonesian vice-president Yusuf Kalla and his US counterpart Vice President Joe Biden (Wednesday February 4).

In light of this recent event, we recall a statement by our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم:

Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه related that a bedouin asked the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم, “When is the Hour?” He صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the trust will be lost, then wait for the Hour.” He said, “O Messenger of Allah, and how will it be lost?” He صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “When the affair will be entrusted to those who do not deserve it, then wait for the Hour.”

Al Kirmani explained that the mandate or affair includes issues of Caliphate, rulings, courts, issuance of religious opinion, and others that are related to the religion. If this mandate is given to secularists, who are incompetent in dealing with religious matters, then abuse and chaos will ensue.

The fall of Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kashmir to the western occupying forces and the loss of great natural resources from the Muslim lands including Indonesia is a clear abuse of a sacred mandate from Allah. Those current rulers are secularists who are placed to protect the interests of their masters with their secular system and values.

Fal’iyadzu billah min syarri fitnatihim

Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia