
Musharraf and his entourage has presented Bush the blood of 250 Muslims as an Eid gift


The Pakistani "Pharaoh", who annihilates village after village by using brutal air power and artillery has, no sanctity or significance for the month of Ramadhan.  According to the news reports 250 Muslims have been killed including a significant number of women and children.  Musharraf has sacrificed the blood of 250 Muslims to show his loyalty to Bush.

Musharraf is even worse than the Pharaoh who at least didn't massacre his own people who shared his faith. We also want to inform those members of the parliament who have recently elected this "Pharaoh" for a term of another five years that they are also equally responsible of this great sin. Furthermore, all those amongst the army and the civil society who supported Musharraf will also carry the burden of this sin in the hereafter, according to the level of support they have provided.  Allah says in Qur'an : { إِنَّ فِرْعَوْنَ وَهَامَانَ وَجُنُودَهُمَا كَانُوا خَاطِئِينَ }  "for Pharaoh and Haman and (all) their hosts were Men of sin". 
This heinous crime in the blessed month of Ramadhan has demonstrated that a shaitan (satan) like Musharraf doesn't need Iblees (Satan) to deviate him from the straight path rather these Muslim rulers are in themselves Shayateen from who's evil even Satin asks refuge.  Musharraf has not taken the oath of Presidency so far and yet he is exceeding limits and Allah knows how much tyranny he will unleash after he has actually taken the oath.  Due to their actions these Muslim rulers they have no genuine political future, consequently they are ready to exceed all limits in their quest to please the imperialist in order to retain power. 
Hence with the passage of each day, Musharraf's tyranny is only going to increase.  The time has come that the people of influence amongst the politicians and the army should announce their rejection of Musharraf's policies and establish the Khilafah by uprooting these agent rulers.


Naveed Butt
The official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan