Middle East

O Houthis! Stop the Political Hypocrisy and Release the Members of Hizb ut Tahrir

Houthi Militias have been detaining four members of Hizb ut Tahrir in Ibb province for nearly two weeks now. Brother Mohammad Mas’sad Alwarafi, Brother Mu’az Al Ba’dani, Brother Nu’man Al Ba’dani and Brother Shafiq Khamis Yislim are detained only because they are working within the Ummah for its intellectual revival to resume the Islamic way of life through the establishment of the Khilafah state upon the method of the Prophethood according to the Shariah method.

A delegation from Hizb ut Tahrir visited the leaders of the group (Houthis) in Ibb and explained to them the idea of the party, its method and purpose, so they promised to release the members. They had justified the arrests due to confusion, but they did not live up to what they promised. This led the delegation of the Hizb to pay their leaders another visit, where they met with Sheikh Abdul Wahid Al Muru’i who promised their release. Sheikh Al Muru’i said he met with Houthi leaders in Ibb regarding the detainees and their release and promised their release at the night of that same day. Days and nights have passed and promises evaporated, this made some of party leaders in San’aa try to communicate with the Political Council for their group (Houthis) in the capital San’aa, but they hid from them as if they were pressured not to meet party leaders and talk to them?!

What the Houthis are doing of unjust acts and oppressive arrests is a clear indication of their confusion and contrast of ideas and lack of awareness among their followers as they were affected in their war against “terrorism” beside the Americans with insanity and obsession. It made them fear every conscious honest loyal voice and accuse it of terrorism, even though, Hizb ut Tahrir and its members will continue to advise every Muslim, detecting all dangers staring at the Muslims and their issues, of which the most important are the vital issues.

The frequent arrests of Hizb ut Tahrir members by the Houthi militias in multiple places is intelligence work supervised by local and international security agencies which penetrated the militias and uses the Houthis as tools for the implementation of its plots and plans against the idea of the guided Khilafah and its conscious, loyal Dawah carriers. And the best proof of this is the nature of their investigations with the members of Hizb ut Tahrir, which are similar but a copy of the current local and international investigations where they are not concerned with the idea and the method, but they are interested in recording the number of members and their leaders and places of residence.

O Houthis: You are accountable in front of your Lord on the Day of Judgment, when you meet him individually, the closest of people to you will not avail you, how then can your leaderships who order you to carry out the evil be of help when they disown you in your life time?!

You have to know the reality of international conflict on the Islamic countries, including Yemen, and what you are doing is only of service to the parties involved in the international conflict, whether people are aware or ignorant of this. These hostile actions between Muslims will not stop and the Kaffir colonists will not be uprooted, except by the guided Khilafah upon the method of Prophethood, so be with it and not against it.

وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ يَنْقَلِبُونَ

“Those who do wrong will soon know the kind of reversal they will receive”

(Ash-Shu’ara: 227)

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Yemen

Friday, 10th Rabii’ II 1436 AH

30/01/2015 CE

No: HTY-188