Middle East

Jordan’s Security Forces Arrest Brother Ali al-Deques in a Brutal and Spiteful Manner

In a brutal and spiteful manner, the security forces in Jordan arrested one of the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir in the city of Madaba, Brother Ali al-Deques, yesterday afternoon on Friday, 23/05/2014 CE after he delivered a lecture to the people in the mosque in which he reminded them of their duty towards their Deen. He indicated to them the role of the Kufr states and their cronies in the Muslim countries in the demolition of the Khilafah State and the exclusion of the provisions of Islam from life. He reminded them that this month is the month in which the Khilafah was abolished and the great misfortune befell the Muslims.

Brother Ali al-Deques who is known for his good speech, sincerity of his tone and his boldness in right where, on his firm stand for the truth, is not afraid of the blame of the blamers, the malice of the spiteful, or the meanness of the mercenary who sold their Hereafter and their world for the world of others. He had been arrested by abduction in a treacherous and brutal manner, despite of him being well-known to the people, the near and the far, by his name, post and his work place and residence!

We at Hizb ut Tahrir regarding this arrest and previous arrests, assure the Ummah and Muslims in Jordan, in particular, that Hizb ut Tahrir is the frontrunner that does not lie to its people. It is not dissuaded by the injustice of the oppressor, the deception of a fasiq or the malice and plots of the Kaffir. It is not intimidated by the regime’s suppression or arrest; the regime that is acquainted with the party and the resoluteness of its Shabab, their blatant defiance, and their great determination to address the Ummah and expose the conspiracies against it. Marching towards the goal of achieving the aim (Khilafah State), which has become close to us at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer, Allah willing.

Allah Almighty says,

وَسَيَعْلَمُ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا أَيَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ يَنْقَلِبُونَ

“Those who do wrong will soon know the kind of reversal they will receive!”

(Ash-Shu’ara: 227)

Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Jordan

Saturday, 25th Rajab 1435 AH

24/05/2014 CE