All posts filed under: Health

Health Security in the Khilafah State

Health is a great blessing that Allah (swt) bestows on man, a blessing that the sick and the disabled miss, to the extent that our noble Prophet (saw) said: «نِعْمَتَانِ مَغْبُونٌ فِيهِمَا كَثِيرٌ مِنْ النَّاسِ؛ الصِّحَّةُ وَالْفَرَاغُ» “Two blessings which many people squander: Good health and free time.”

Islam Obliges State Provision of Free Healthcare of High Standards

Introduction: Seeking a Cure for Illness With the increased interest in the great Deen of Islam over the last three decades, there has been a corresponding increase in the interest in Islam’s guidelines regarding healthcare. This has been in parallel with the increased interest in other aspects of Islam, such as education, finance and the […]

A Failure of the Transitional Government: Five Newborns Died in Umm Rawaba City Hospital Due to Power Outages and Lack of Oxygen

The phenomenon of the death of children due to the neglect of the state has become frequent news, not least the drowning of children in the fall in several areas, and before that the loss of life-saving medications, especially for cancer children, and this time the lack of electricity and oxygen equipment, and the Ministry […]

Hasina Government wants to remain in Power by using Covid-19 as a Political Tool to Suppress the People To Remove this Corrupt and Irresponsible Government and Establish a Righteous and Responsible Khilafah Government, Unify under the Leadership of Hizb ut Tahir

The Government is continuously deceiving people by giving slogans about saving lives; but in reality, they have not taken any effective steps to save people’s lives, but rather have been looting thousands of crores of Taka through corruption in the health sector. Mired in corruption and misrule, this Government has repeatedly resorted to repeated lockdowns […]

Hasina Government wants to remain in Power by using Covid-19 as a Political Tool to Suppress the People To Remove this Corrupt and Irresponsible Government and Establish a Righteous and Responsible Khilafah Government, Unify under the Leadership of Hizb ut Tahir

The Government is continuously deceiving people by giving slogans about saving lives; but in reality, they have not taken any effective steps to save people’s lives, but rather have been looting thousands of crores of Taka through corruption in the health sector. Mired in corruption and misrule, this Government has repeatedly resorted to repeated lockdowns […]

The Khilafah will Stop Epidemics from Becoming Pandemics

Epidemics and disasters are facts of life for humanity that responsible leadership must strive first to avert and then to mitigate. The Khilafah (Caliphate) will succeed, where the current rulers of Muslim countries have failed in a mostly humiliating way, and where the leading capitalist powers have disappointed the expectations of their peoples and others […]