Middle East

Arab Foreign Ministers Meet in Egypt to Cry over Gaza while Plotting against the Rest of the Ummah

The meeting of Arab foreign ministers was delayed for two hours because of a phone call which occurred on Sunday 7/9/2014 CE between John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, and Nabil Al Arabi, the Secretary General of the Arab League. The reason behind the announced call was about ways to combat ISIS, but what is hidden is even greater. This urgent phone call cast its shadow on the meeting, and one of its best theatrical scenes was the fierce attack of Mahmoud Abbas on Hamas which called for turning the public sitting to a secret one where all journalists and media were kicked out so that the ministers do not hang their dirty laundry in front of people.

The most prominent case that gathered ministers in Egypt, for its 142nd session of the Arab Foreign Ministers’ Council, is fighting terrorism. Indeed they will be discussing this case via the American agenda which John Kerry informed the Secretary General of the League just hours before the meeting, especially since the NATO Conference held in Britain last Thursday and Friday was also to discuss terrorism. That occurred after wailing for some time on what happened in Gaza in terms of massacres, destruction, and mass displacement, and they will not miss a chance of holding the Jewish entity responsible and calling for the reconstruction of what was destroyed. After that, they will discuss sustainable ways of a ceasefire via activating a unified national government and how definite it is to have one authority and one government, as Mahmoud Abbas mentioned in his speech.

This meeting, just like the previous one and all meetings of the Arab League, does not present but rather delay and further complicate problems that people of the region suffer from. Not once did meetings of the Arab League go beyond the line drawn for it since its inception, which is maintaining division and stopping the Ummah from striving for unity under the shade of the Islamic Khilafah that protects Muslims and repels the evil of their enemies. The Israeli occupation of Palestine remains a case traded among those rulers for decades, but their meetings did not grant us anything except disgrace after disgrace, and their decision never had any value more than the value of ink on paper.

The only prominent thing they succeeded in doing over the decades was their conspiracy against this Ummah, in service of its enemies, and distracting the simpletons with decisions that neither fulfill nor achieve anything. They have become afraid, just like their masters the US and the Kuffar West, from the movement of the Islamic Ummah, its direction towards Islam, and its persistent strive towards establishing an Islamic Khilafah, which is very close in Allah’s Will, and on that day those who oppressed will know what overturning they overturned.

وَيَقُولُونَ مَتَى هُوَ قُلْ عَسَى أَنْ يَكُونَ قَرِيبًا

“and (they) say: “When will that be?” Say: “Perhaps it is near!”

[al-Israa: 51]

Sharif Zayed

Head of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Egypt

Monday, 13th Dhul Qiddah 1435 AH

08/09/2014 CE

No: PR 23/14